Tuesday, March 11, 2025
sforming Lives by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Destiny Covenant Church
“A Church with a life worth modeling”
Transforming Lives by the Power of the Holy Spirit
1225 Eastlake Blvd
TARRANT, Al 35217

A Message from Pastor Brown
It is not by chance or happenstance that you are reading this communiqué. I believe that it is by divine orchestration that God led you to this place. The question to be considered now is “Why.”
Maybe you just dropped by to visit. If so, I encourage and invite you to come again. Maybe you came looking to see if Destiny might be a good fit for you (and your family). If that is your aim, please read through this short presentation of who we are and what we are about and then, ask God for divine direction and clarity.
I pray that you have been encouraged by your encounter with the Destiny Covenant Church Family and please, come again.
Cedric K. Brown,