Friday, February 07, 2025
sforming Lives by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Minister McWilliams

Minister Priscilla Johnson McWilliams   was born and raised on a farm in a small town in Choctaw County, Alabama. Having been brought up in the church, Minister Priscilla was afforded opportunities at a young age to exercise her gifts of teaching, administration, and leadership at her home church, Shiloh Christian Methodist Church. As the Spirit leads her, she has continued to exercise those gifts under several pastors and ministries. She was licensed to preach the Gospel in 2000 at New Testament Church, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, under the pastoral leadership of Reverend L. Spencer Smith. 
 After having moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Minister Priscilla met Erskin McWilliams. They married in November 1992, and they share the joy of three wonderful children; Trey, Christopher, and Adrea.  That joy is further expanded with the blessing of five dynamic grandchildren.  After becoming empty-nesters, they decided to move to Birmingham in 2002, and became involved in ministry at New City Church where they met Pastor Cedric Brown, with whom they gladly serve and worship.
Minister Priscilla is a graduate of The University of Alabama, where she received a B.S. degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. An avid reader and a lover of books, Minister Priscilla worked at a publishing company for several years where God allowed her to minister to both coworkers and clients.  While at the publishing company she was able to work with two additional passions; event planning and public relations.  
She also serves as a member of the Pleasant Grove City Council.
All of these amazing, God-given experiences have allowed her to do what she loves most after God and family; and that is to continue to touch HIS people everywhere she goes.